I think Apple products are too low quality and too expensive.

I like Star Trek

Ok soooo I coming out of my cocoon and saying I LIKE KPOP everything is so new and the dancing is amazeballs and everything isn't is not appropriate like "side to side by Ariana" or songs by Nicky monage not saying I hate them but just the way things are done. Just look at this song by this boy band called BTS come pared to the band "Why don't we" don't forget to put on CC

Hi everyone be sure to read the rules and guidelines to have a happy experience in this group!!! 🤗🤗🤗

I think the world is crazy and everyone relys on technology, with out it what do we have...... Books plenty of books that no one reads......

I think IPhones are getting way too big. Soon you'll be holding an iPad to your ear for goodness sake!!

Sometimes I think profile pictures share alot about a person and they should be chosen carefully

I really have flip flops but I love covers I really wish that I had all colors

Sometimes I wonder why we get pimples it's unecessary even though it's apart of puberty.

I love the color blue it's a very pretty color and makes me feel confident when I wear that color

Group About
So this is a group where you can share your opinion. But nothing about people on kids search or Kidznet. You write anything you want but if you disagree with someone's opinion keep it to yourself and be respectful to other people's thoughts. The world is full of people and why not get to Know one another? So it doesn't matter if you post about How terrible video games are for health...it's your opinion :)
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