

Hi I'm craftqueen55


Hey Girls! Do you guys know if we are doing anything this month?

Should we have an art director and LGBTQ Ambassador?
Also, what are some trending topics we should put in the magazine?

A entry for the art logo contest!

Due to the small number of applications turned in, I have decided to announce the roles. If you were going to apply, please comment below and I will get in contact with you. All of the applications turned in were thoroughly read and analyzed. Thank you to everyone who applied! I will release more information about comic artists and etc, later.
note: the selections were not based on opinion but solely based on skill level and what met the requirements for each role. Please do not be upset, as there will be more roles in the future!! Thank you for applying!
Congratulations to the people who have been selected for the roles!

Vice President: JellyFishLover

Secretary: LunaLoveGoodMolly

Editors and Translators: Queeny and Kitty_Kat

Hi everyone! These are the current projects for November. The portal for all november projects is: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/51764/girls-advice-column-projects-for-november-2019

[Current] {November 10-November 30} Girl's Advice Columns' Period Starterpack
After seeing so many questions about periods, I believe we should create a PDF or image of basic facts or information a person might need when they begin their period. Please type information/facts/stories below you would like to include in this infographic. We will be posting this at the beginning of December.

[Current] {November 1-December 17} Girls' Advice Column December Magazine
In our December issue, we plan on having a winter theme. Please submit works by posting to the KN Group with clear labeling.
We will be creating a magazine and the following is requested but not required:
- A comic(s) about making new friends and trying new things
-2 Short fictional stories about issues girls may face today
-2 or more drawing tutorials
-Submissions for Q/A and Advice Page

If you think of something to add, don't hesitate to message me or post it.
If you have any more ideas for projects, once again don't hesitate to message me or post it.

Here’s a logo idea. I can do something else if you don’t like it, just give me a description.

Group About
A group for the Girls' Advice Column. Here we post magazines, games and so much more! President: GymnastPower Vice President: JellyFishLover Secretary: LunaLoveGoodMolly Editors and Translators: Queeny and Kitty_Kat
Members (17)