Hi, I haven't been on for a while now and I know I'm supposed to be doing math right now but anyways...

I finally decided to watch Your Lie in April and I can't believe I never decided to watch it before and now I'm really obsessed with anime (if I wasn't already).


Eating pb sandwich right now
Lots of things due today

Today was kind of boring, waking up and being sick, eating and breathing. I was pretty lazy today...

Welp. Unfortunate circumstances today.
So, Anime Club at my school was canceled today due to the homecoming parade. Since I am in Robotics, we were supposed to go and make a banner for the parade as part of our required Outreach. I was bummed about Anime Club first, but got a little excited for the parade. But, the parade got canceled due to rain, AND I STILL DON'T HAVE ANIME CLUB!

So this one kid was playing games in class
And I snitched on him(cuz he snitched on me last time)
Calls me a baby
Then someone from across the room pull a mad roast on him
Then he start crying
I say who baby now

What do I do
Cuz he doesn’t seem in the mood for negotiations.

I tried to wake up @ 4am to do math but then fell back asleep and didn’t walk up until 7. I went to school as usual... I read the math lesson yesterday so math was super easy. I’m doing this rehearsal for a performance on a school picnic this Sunday, and today we practiced. I always love rehearsal practices because we get a lot of candy <: Anyways, I’m doing my hw now, and I can’t wait for it to be Sunday so I can sleep in

My day yesterday:

7:00: My parents left me, and now they are both gone for a few days.
8:00: I'm starting school.
9:00: Breakfast??
10:00: sTiLl school
2:00: I go outside...like wow honestly.
3:00: My mom calls me and she's screaming and cussing at me. Well, she called four times earlier screaming and cussing at me.

5:00: I don't know, still doing school?

10:00 pm: ended school, now doing other stuff, feeling sad, and yeah.

September 29, 2019
Morning: Mickel, me, and my dad got starbucks, then we went to my dad's work. They had some stuff they had to get done.
The rest of the day all the way until 5 PM: I was on my chromebook, Mickel was helping the other people who had to work there, and my dad was also working. When it was time, We started packing up to leave and I added some cool stuff to my Chromebook. I don't have a camera except my chromebook camera and it can't take a picture of itself on the outside, can it?
The rest of the day: chores getting ready for bed and sleeping.
Today was REALLY exhausting and I feel kinda sick.

okay. my day felt really long. Imma write it down here.

woke up @ 8, had omelettes, sausage, & muffin 4 breakfast
went to church @ 10
went to Costco @ 11:30
went to Nordstrom @ 1pm
went to Starbucks @ 3pm
went to Zara @ 3:20
went back to Nordstrom @ 4pm because they forgot to remove the sensor thingy
got home @ 4:30
tool a nap @ 5
went to a festival @ 6
stayed there until 10
did my homework

If you've have a long, tedious day >.< and just need somewhere to get all your thoughts down, you can put them here~ also if you have a problem you don't know how to solve or need to make a hard decision, friends can always help. ^.^

Group About
If you've have a long, tedious day >.< and just need somewhere to get all your thoughts down, you can put them here~ also if you have a problem you don't know how to solve or need to make a hard decision, friends can always help. ^.^
Members (7)