People shouldn't be entitled to anything. Part of America is having rights, yes, you have freedom of speech, religion, press, and are free to bare arms. That stuff should be given to everybody, but all these people who rely on their parents, or who are living off money from the government through different acts, it's stupid. Part of Capitalism is also working hard and earning what you have. When people start living off of the government, that's not okay. What's the point of hard work? Why are there people who pull cards like skin color, sexuality, and gender whenever they want money? I don't care if you're black, white, gay, straight, whatever, but don't expect people to just pay you for it. But people are praised for that stuff. Think I'm lying? Black history month, LGBTQ+ pride month, women's rights month. Do you know how wrong it would be for someone to suggest white history month, straight/cis pride month, or men's rights month? But why? People pay so much attention to minorities that it's been blown out of proportion. Yes, I'm fine with people being who they are, don't get me wrong, heck, I'm gay and a female, I'm already 2 of those 'minorities', but I don't like that there is so much attention on that stuff. BLM stuff, it's so stupid. Honestly, it is. What were they even doing, what is BLM even for? Black rights? Hm, nope, black people have the same amount of rights as any other skin color. Racism? Yes, pointing out black people specifically is going to help erase divisions. No, it will only solidify them further and drive walls between people who are different. And what is looting mom and pop shops and rioting going to do to help your case of black and other races being even? It only makes BLM look worse. But there are even black people who don't support it. Why? Because it's a hate group, like any other, it just has a pretty name, so people don't go against it much. Speaking of, why are people so afraid of opinions? If you disagree with me, I don't care, I don't want everyone to have my opinion, that'd be boring, but don't expect my opinion to change in to yours either. Freedom of speech is useless if you are too scared to speak your mind. Freedom of religion is useless if everyone is too scared to state their religion. Freedom of the press is useless if the government controls the media and deletes anything against it. The right to bear arms is useless if people are too scared to defend themselves or if gun laws are enacted, the right won't even exist. The freedom to petition the government is useless if you don't even speak. The freedom of peaceful assembly is useless if everyone is glued to their phones and won't leave their house. The right to a trial by jury is useless if juries are prejudice against the culprit because of divisions. The rights not enumerated are useless if no one has the common sense to see their own implied rights. The right to vote is useless if there is voter fraud. Do y'all realize, that's about half of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution? That's a lot of rights rendered useless, all done almost indirectly under people's noses. So along with indirect lack of rights, plus people relying on the government for money already, not just due to most race and stuff, but also because of inflation as well as lack of more pay, causing people to struggle to keep their homes, and maybe jobs, which just leaves people relying on the government for unemployment and such. Do you know what it's called when you have no rights and rely on the government? Communism. I'm not the only one who sees that either, militias are waiting to strike if the government tries to directly take away a right. I guarantee, before the next 30, maybe even 20, years pass, America will have another Civil War. Between the militias, and those who believe in stuff as I do, vs the government and the sheep they have. It'll be the government, vs The People. All I have left to say, to ask, is if you'll be part of "We The People", or a media sheep.