Would you rather:
Be a baby or be an adult?

Would you rather:
Would you rather never have to go to the bathroom again or never have to eat again

Excuse me I just joined here I'm not the owner-

Riddle of the day!

Born in an instant, I tell all stories. I can be lost, but I never die. What am I?

Guess The Youtuber by their eye #1:

Guess The YouTuber by what they once said #2:

"Lunatics, sounds about accurate cause we're all crazy here"

Guess The YouTuber by the lyrics #1:

"Fingers Down my Spine"

Guess The YouTuber by what they once said #1:

"An absolutely gorgeous icecube-It's not the icecube tray that's gorgeous, the flowers, gorgeous flowers"

Group About
Members (5)