Okay everyone, it is time for SUPER OLD ARTWORK!!!! Like, 2 years ago!

Very first drawing of Rinji!

Okay. So, I'll try and fix my tablet this weekend. In the meantime I'll post throwback art.

A sketch from a while back with GC's clothes. I never shared this anywhere so here!

And Oceania. Digital. Thought I'd share again, cuz I don't do a lot of digis.

So, until then, here's some TBTS!
FNAF lineart

So, I will not be able to post art yet. My tablet is messing up, my computer won't translate heic files to jpg, etc... I will try and find a way to post them all on Saturday. This will be my last "harvest" for a while, but there's like 21 drawings. So yeah.

FNAF1 characters with GC! ;D

Jaden! Sketch of Luna's SOA CHARACTER!!! ;D

FH's Gachalife Edif of meh! XD Thanks girl!

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