mmm yes
mmm yes
I HAS REACHED GODLINESS.Im just playing World of Tanks Blitz,in a KV-2.when everyone but the weakest on my team gets destroyed,so i go to a corner,covering him,I start "Defense of Moscow".and I destroy ALL 6 left.take 2500 damage.and protect the little one."chuckles in godliness"
"Internal screeching Intensifies"
Bendy636 how,did,i,find,this,?
Twentyonepilotsan 👏🏽❤️
your art,anime,furries,and animation,which is glorious.
Bendy636 Nothing,art is glorious,this is MY style of art,models,and stuff
-MarshmallowSmoosh- OpTuMuS pRiMe
Bendy636 YeS glorious OpTiMuS
Pumpkin The moment you realize the picture you posted is really small and you should post a larger version
Pumpkin Lol jk
JD2005 @Pumpkin lol
Bendy636 mm yes your right