5,281 Points

It took me 10 hours to make this

forgxtten wow!

JD2005 Good job!

tooawesome Good job

Share this with your family I am crying or search dear 2045

JD2005 #SaveOurPlanet

FutureChefGurl We should stop ✋it

THEMEGAMAN we need peace

FutureChefGurl I'm a vsco girl

KnightStar "how dare u"

I had a bad pass but I can't remember a thing at all probably because I was five

(still in car) we are in the car going to the park and we live in a huge neighborhood and we where passing by 3 13year olds and one was lighting a cigarette who gave these poor kids the idea to smoke?

lunamoonlight There was a Juul found on my school bus, im not surprised tbh.

KnightStar think they cool bc they friend did it and now they spreadin. or their parents

JD2005 Not surprised, because I've seen a preteen smoke with his friends once before.

Coolguy It's so saddening to young people wasting their lives, but upbringing matters.

Coolguy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭, I can't cry harder but we need to pray for them.

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