Hey gem heart,twi,lou,funheart You are using kidznet from how many months
TwilightStarDust I can't remember almost a year I believe.
Cindy7872AJ Ive been using it for 2 years.
FunHeart1010 On kidztalk it would be 2 years. On KidzNet 1 year.
Dorothy Really
Cindy7872AJ Oh, on KidzNet it's been a year, but on KidzSearch I have been active for 2 years.
LouTheLuver 2 years on Kidztalk and 1 year on Kidznet
GemHeart Almost a year.
Dorothy Its being half a year
TylerTheDrummer Almost two years
TylerTheDrummer almost a year on kidznet and almost two years on kidztalk
Hey guys it's Saturday but unfortunately its my EoY (end of year) exam on Tuesday and the subject is maths
TwilightStarDust Oh no! That must suck! Good luck!!
Minnion Good
Minnion good luck
Dorothy Thanks
LouTheLuver Good luck and don't stress!
Dorothy Thank you
Dorothy But math is stressful
Hey hows the fasting going i am doing fasting for today
Crystal I am fasting too!
LouTheLuver Me too
Minnion Meeetooo
Dorothy Oh i see
PrincessLuna The what?
Dorothy Yum
TylerTheDrummer Those look like meals from airplanes!
Dorothy No it’s from London courtyard
At last it's SATURDAY and HOLIDAY
PrincessLuna Except for math and science, unfortunately.
TwilightStarDust I love Crystal's vidz!!! Hay that could be a group!
Dorothy Oops by mistakingly i shared
EloquentRacer92 ???