Does anyone else play Howrse? I find it addictive. Collecting beautiful horses, competing, etc. My name is Sea Howrse. All my horses are in the picture below. If you want to get a closer look at any of them, just ask and I will post it!
Happy Howrsing!
FunHeart1010 Ok I am trying it right now!
FunHeart1010 Way better than star stable!
Spidertheking A
Spidertheking Who's heard of dolly the sheep
Jen Where do you find it? I LOVE horses. Looks so fun.
Jen I have heard of dolly the sheep. The first animal clone the world.
Fae I just look it up. Its a website and an app. I am on the American Server!
Fae OH I heard of Dolly! I hadn't realized I named my horse after a clone!