This is Fleurs Opulentes the rabbit. She is 14 years old and wants to be a professional ballerina someday.

This is Fleurs Opulentes the rabbit. She is 14 years old and wants to be a professional ballerina someday.
TwilightStarDust Lol he's so cute!!!
LaviLaMonster awwww so adorable
Pumpkin Lolz
Twentyonepilotsan Assess
Twentyonepilotsan Ahh auto correct
Twentyonepilotsan Awww
-MarshmallowSmoosh- Wow, nice art! 😋
-MarshmallowSmoosh- Lol!
TwilightStarDust #Fab!
100musicmaniac GREAT!
PurplePanda2005 Adamtotssss yusss
Crystal Lol!!
LaviLaMonster lol
FairyPrincess LOL!
Wesley2004 CATS IS MISSING A LEG...…..!
KnightStar LOL Wes, he is!
Pumpkin Lol
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100musicmaniac So cute
Fae I actually saw a video of someone who was cosplaying a purple rabbit girl!
FunHeart1010 Cute!
Crafter4017 👌😀👍
Crafter4017 Cool
Thob12105 omg
LouTheLuver #LUV
GemHeart LOL! So cute!
Kiddlol288 Can I join? The group? I love harry potter!! 😁