1,413 Points


Welcome to my KidzNet page! 
Gender: Female
Country: America
State: persnal info 
Time Zone: persnal info
Personality: Optamist, think I'm a hard worker? 
Likes: My dog/bunnies, kindness, hikes, walks, meditation, quotes, family, friends, school, music

Dislikes: when the weather is above 80 (f), fighting, peoole hurt, sadness, anger

Fun facts: I am a twin, I love both cats and dogs (and bunnies!), I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a bunny (hard to tell huh? Lol!)

Thanks for checking this out! I hope you learned a little about me, and credit to forgotten! :)

Fuzzyjellyowl joined KidzNet on May 9th, 2021 - 8:18:41 AM