What is your fav school subject and least fav my fav is math and least fav is health

forgxtten my fav is ELA/Lit and least fav is math

KnightStar health who?


Emelyisaway and i dont rlly like math

lunamoonlight Shop and English.

JD2005 Fav computer science, least fav maths.

lunalovegoodmolly Fave English

Jabber Art

Holahi Why doesn’t anyone like math 😩

Best digital heart ever

lunalovegoodmolly Cool

lunamoonlight Cool

lunalovegoodmolly So many people said cool.... COOL!!! Maybe fantastic!!! YAY!! I was the first and on;y to say it

lunalovegoodmolly LOL

Emelyisaway nice!!

JD2005 Cool!

JD2005 LOL LLM...

Holahi Thank you

lunamoonlight AWESOME

forgxtten hehe llm... SPECTACULAR!!!

Digital ocean

JD2005 Digital ocean!? XD

lunalovegoodmolly SimCity?

Holahi Yeah I drew it

KnightStar can you tell me how you drew it? I might need the tips

forgxtten LLM, I play Sim City, it does kinda look like that... but cool Holahi!

forgxtten autumn, she

Holahi Yes u are correct autumn

Holahi it was one of the charcoal brushes I think full size

Pumpkin I love it

JD2005 Good job!

forgxtten cool

Holahi Thanks

I forgot to post this a couple weeks ago my hall took a week long field trip and yes over night and of course I have an anxiety attack😒

Pumpkin oh no! I get them and pass out!

JD2005 Oof...

lunalovegoodmolly That happens to me