278,637 Points
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Roselle, the female character in a couple I’m making, I’ll be doing the boy when I find inspiration :3

JD2005 Wow... So pretty! ❤

JD2005 Pretty! ❤

ammyk Good job!

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Me, more of an anime style

ammyk I like it!

JD2005 Aww... So cute! ❤

GemHeart Thanks ^^

JD2005 So pretty! ❤

GemHeart ^^ thanks :D

JD2005 NP :D

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Ash Noice

JD2005 Pretty! ❤

JD2005 Great job! ❤

GemHeart Thank you!

JD2005 NP :D

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JD2005 Originally posted in: The Meme Squad

Ash Should have capitalized Spain 🤔

GemHeart LOLLL

-MarshmallowSmoosh- lol

EloquentRacer92 “Rain, rain, go to spain”

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#gemlas sketch

JD2005 Aww... So cute! ❤

JD2005 So cute! ❤

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I saw CoralSophie do this and I thought it was fun! Btw, I do actually wear purple glasses like in my art and it fun and cOLorFuL! 😊

Ash You give off pretty vibes :D

JD2005 I can tell you're pretty! :D

PurpleMochi Thank you guys 🥺❤️

ammyk Wow, your hair is so pretty!

tacoboi simps

tacoboi but you look nice

tacoboi i dont want to be mean so dont take this in a mean way

JD2005 @PurpleMochi No problem! ❤

ammyk @tacoboi, I mean, we could just call everyone hideous gorgons, but that might not go over well.I

Twentyonepilotsan Your hair is so pretty!

JD2005 p r e t t y v i b e s 💖

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Queeny Nice song!

JD2005 Marshmello! ❤


Chromebook24 i just noticed the IP in this image is the one im using right now lol

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JD2005 Aww... How cute! ❤

ammyk Awwwww!

Ash ❤️❤️❤️

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Manga screentoned and such Rin-

Ash :O

JD2005 😶

JD2005 Awesome! ❤

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Rinji; she used to have super short hair, so here she is again with it!!

JD2005 So beautiful! ❤

tacoboi Gem is gettting better

JD2005 So beautiful! ❤