12,960 Points

PLZ SOMEONE JUST SAY SOMETHING!!!! I am going cra cra... Did i just use the cord Car-cra?!

Kinso Hello

PrincessKittens Yes you just used the word Cra-Cra!

FunHeart1010 You can message me if your bored!

JD2005 Hi!

😻 💔 💕 💓 💗 💘 💞 💝

Don't ask... I do strange things when i'm bored...

PrincessKittens Me too!

JD2005 😂

I have been sitting here for SUCH a long time I'm soooooo BORED!!!

PrincessKittens Oof

JD2005 Oof.

Shared Post

I like the meaning of this picture but uh, you sure about age there bro? Well if age is just a number then prison is just a room I guess.

Queeny 911 is also just a number

FunHeart1010 XD

lunalovegoodmolly lol

KnightStar *ahem* as long as their over eighteen whatever but- *ahem* 16??? i mean, my parents are 20 years apart, but GUUURRRLLL LOL.

FunHeart1010 And th number on your jail clothes is just a number lol

KnightStar YOU KNOW WHAT'S ALSO A NUMBER??? Your jail cell.

lunamoonlight Yeah, as long as they are both either under or over 18 (two teens dating is fine, two adults dating is fine) but uh, no pedos.

UmmKairi if age is just a number you better hope jail is just a place

GemHeart I agree Knight

JD2005 16-year-old girl and 36-year-old guy!? NO WAY, CREEP.

Kinso Yeah That's a little odd

Puppet master: Yay now that Ive destroyed the towers the pets of the island will all be on my side.... Why do I always say my plans out loud

lunamoonlight I just visited there and saw this today!

Jabber ya same

New post in my journal Plz answer! You can also see it on KT titled Today

JD2005 Kk!

took a what gender should you actually be? quiz
1. Male
No matter what gender you were born, you sure think like a male!
2. You're pangender. You feel like a mix of male, female and in-between.
okay they are both kind of correct the pan gender is more correct though.

JD2005 Wow.

lunamoonlight First time I have heard the term pan-gender.

JD2005 Same luna, TBH.

Jabber yeah I had to look it up to see what it means

KnightStar I would assume pangender was all the 72 genders they have 😹😹

Jabber 😄