I got bored so... I drew Ella annoying the crud out of Ciara. (No, none of my sides look like me lol)
EloquentRacer92 2 min
EloquentRacer92 LETS A GO
when you have hand sanitaizer on a scar
Brain: Dude- Chill
Chest: (Screaming Very VERY Loud intensefies
lunamoonlight lol ikr
JD2005 lol
EloquentRacer92 *screams into their ears* LETS A GO
lunamoonlight @Elo *random glass shatters*
time for a name reveal here we go lol-
my sides are screamin
brain: WHAT DO WE
Other part of brain: IDK
TyousT Fell Out The World
Real Name: Caden
lunamoonlight Lol Yes, Jaden and Caden. They ryhme with several names lol
JHAMMER2 Why! You broke the rules. 😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾
JD2005 @KnightStar @lunamoonlight Lolll... Jaden-Caden! 😂
PurpleMochi @JHAMMER3 We are allowed to share our real first names :3
Queeny we must find this Aiden to complete the holy trinity!
EloquentRacer92 bUt ItS pErSoNaL iNfOrMaTiOn
lunamoonlight @Elo Yeah but there are thousands of Cadens, and Jadens, and Aidens. People can't track you by just your first name.
JHAMMER2 @country no
EloquentRacer92 bUt
JordanLol @elo NO
reached my point goal for 4,001 points lets go other goal 5,002
EloquentRacer92 1,000,000 points
JD2005 *Laughs in I have lots of points*
theres still hope
Yusss For what?
Pumpkin his return?
JordanLol yesh
lunamoonlight I feel like Whizkid is on here as a mod more than it shows.
EloquentRacer92 It’s called sleep deprived
JD2005 Lol- I love how Ella looks so funny :D