Left foot up right foot slide toosie slide
Black leather glove no sequel
I need help with drawing
CSeriestechhero What are you drawing?
Sonic750 I can help you
Emelyisaway drawing what?
Juice world or x
KnightStar Well that's kind of cruel considering their both dead.
lunamoonlight Idk either
Sonic750 Idk
Who is your favorite Jonas brother
KITTYLOVER Mine is nick
lunamoonlight I dont know either
lunamoonlight Without the poor there can be no rich because there is no comparison.
KITTYLOVER Well I'm not super smart but I don't think its fair if the are people living on the streets
lunamoonlight I agree on that,
lunamoonlight Yea
why cant everyone be rich not poor and rich its so unfair
BLACKMAGICUNI1234 True life would be easier
KITTYLOVER I made this
HeyitsBabyKiki Cool
lunamoonlight True lol.
JD2005 lol
CSeriestechhero haha braincells go *blank*