9,194 Points

Hii!! I'm KittyKat!

Age? I'm 456843184065286 years old. I'm just kidding, I'mIm 12-14

What is you gender? I am a girl.

Relationship? Nahhhh

Sexuality? I am a straight and I respect people's decision to be LGTBTQIA+.

Favorite color? Well, it's either red, purple, or grey!

Favorite food? I have more than one.... My favorite foods are pupusas, lasagna, and a BLT 

Are you private schooled?" Do I sound that smart? No, I am homeschooled

Hobbies? I love to draw, write, swim, and walk! 

Travel? I travel a LOT! I have been to Germany, Italy, France, Key West, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Hawaii, and tons more that is too long to list.

Pets? My grandparents have my puppies Luna and Diego. They also have a three kitten (which I am allergic to) named (by me) Greyfur, Stormpelt, and Dawnface.

Languages? I speak english and spanish!

Favorite books? Harry potter, Warrior Cats, and much much more.

Do you move a lot? I move every 4 years, due to my parent's job. I am actually moving to a new house right now!


KittyKat joined KidzNet on November 13th, 2019 - 10:38:18 AM