I’m so proud of myself

I’m so proud of myself
I just made another webtoon!!! If you like Sarah’s scribbles, bluechair, or brutally honest you should check it out!!! https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/neos-normal/list?title_no=507943
Sonic750 Freaks....
Hi guys! I know that I have not logged in for a few months but I have actually been working on my webtoon this whole time XD. I just wanted you guys to check it out if you have the time. If you look up Neomarshmello on webtoons then you can see a webtoon called Lily! Please check it out!
forgxtten kk!
cactuspot12 I checked out your webtoon- it was pretty good :)
JD2005 Cool!
Sonic750 Ohhhh
lunamoonlight I will check it out next time i am on WebToon
I need webtoons recommendations. I have already read strawberry seafaom, true beauty, IF, UnOrdanary, clinic of horrors, meme girls, internet explorer, Everywhere and nowhere, good day to be a dog, Cat laof, Lord olimpus, the trash mermaid, aim com, and the cursed princess club. I am open to any suggestions.
Emelyisaway imo, i love yoo is pretty good lol. also, if ur into horror: Nocture by Fyyaa is a good one :)
CSeriestechhero Blue Chair is a funny Webtoon I love to read.
Neomarshmellow Ty for the webtoons
lunamoonlight How about Castle Swimmer, Conspiracy Research Club, and Lumine?
Neomarshmellow I will try those too. Th for the recommendations
Neomarshmellow *ty
Sry accidentally shared instead of liked
Queen157 Oh that’s alright
KnightStar I do it all the time lol !
lunalovegoodmolly I LOVE THIS SONG
Ada4 I know that song!
lunamoonlight You should be! It's amazing!
Sonic750 You should be proud..😊
JD2005 Great job!
destiny1268 It's amazing