Whats your fouvret song mine is kids by prince Paul

KupKakeDoll Mine is Cake by Melanie Martinez ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Pugkid Good to know

Jenny Mine is 'Kembali ke Sekolah' by Sherina 💖

Jenny 'kembali ke sekolah' means 'back to school'

YorkieGirl Mine is What Do You Mean-Justin Bieber

Jenny I like that to

changed my profile pic like it of course you do

pugs are so cute warm and cudaly

YorkieGirl <3 pugs

Pugkid me to

Crystal They are cite!

world war two spitfire

TylerTheDrummer I like spitfires! They are British Planes!

TylerTheDrummer You should join my Aviation Group!

Pugkid Iv

Pugkid I like planes they are cool

Shared Post

funny convo

FunHeart1010 Funny

TylerTheDrummer Do more of these!

MusicTigerSmile I'll find some 😊

MusicTigerSmile but probably not right now. have some work

Pugkid really funny 😹

TylerTheDrummer Oh

Pugkid Lo<3

Pugkid Really funny 😹

TylerTheDrummer I hope snapzade can do more of these!

YorkieGirl lol

Pugkid never gets old

1985 mario

YorkieGirl wow

Pugkid i know right

YorkieGirl its so difffrent]

I am new to kids net ☺

KidzSearch Welcome! We just started it a few weeks ago, so everyone here is new too. Let us know if you have any questions

digglehead Hi! 😁

Crystal Luv your name and cute pug!