4,414 Points

What does ikr mean?

lunamoonlight I know right?

JD2005 I know, right?

Queeny Ikr = I know right

Kittycat46 It means i know right?

KnightStar wdym

KnightStar nah just playin

Sonic750 I know right...

Sophiacodingirl lol @nightstar

Sophiacodingirl Oops i mean @KnightStar

Shared Post

Hi guys, I just finished watching Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows, it's such an interesting movie.

Queen157 Okay


Who do you ship in Harry Potter?

If you ship Romoine, message me

If you ship Dramoine, share.

If you ship Harmoine, comment.

If you ship anything other, than like!

Queen157 Nope

lunalovegoodmolly Not me. I ship Romione

Shared Post

The crickets outside sound like a bomb, peculiar.

Queen157 Hah!

Queen157 Mine do too