Am I the only one who does not have Google Chrome???

CSeriestechhero wait really?

lunamoonlight I do, I have a Chromebook

GemHeart I don’t have it either lol

EloquentRacer92 no. 1. I don't have Chrome. 2. I never even used it. I usually use Firefox

JD2005 :O

CSeriestechhero Anyone use any chromium-based browsers at least? UC, Opera, Chromium? Anything?

lunamoonlight I heard Opera was not great. I have been thinking of downloading Brave as a browser, but i think i am good with Google and OneSearch if i need it,

Autumn i use samsung internet beta

EloquentRacer92 @CSeriestechhero not me if Firefox & Safari are not Chromium.

CSeriestechhero Firefox supports merely the same amount of web APIs as chromium, and chrome, but Firefox is privacy enhanced.

I have a question who else likes Vegeta from dragon ball z

CSeriestechhero I havent watched enough of the show yet

tacoboi kakarot