This was the frist drawing of Bella the bat that I posted!
This was the frist drawing of Bella the bat that I posted!
Hay just wanted to know if there was anything U would like me to draw let me know!! Thanks!
GemHeart Ooooh OK, I'd be honored to ask you to draw something. Maybe Cortana and Bella again, Rin-Rin perhaps, or maybe even Cortana with her family in like a photo album. Any or all of these would be fine!!!
FunHeart1010 Can you draw me a a cute Mexican, authentic girl?
LouTheLuver Can you please draw me Tris from Divergent?
TwilightStarDust Could you draw me fairy? Thanks!!!
FunHeart1010 Ok!
Another drawing of me! Idk bout u but this drawing is giving me Halloween vibes! Hope ya guys like it! Turns out my trip was shortened....😒 don't ask why
GemHeart Luv! And why? XD (LUV THIS, THE BUN IS GREAT!)
LouTheLuver I agree! I luv her outfit and her hair and I'm sorry ur trip got short.
Crystal TOTAL Halloween vibes!
FunHeart1010 NIce!
TwilightStarDust Thanks guys!
Just a random drawing. My artist block is over!!! Can you guys help me come with a name for her?
FunHeart1010 YAsss queen!
FunHeart1010 Hmmm maybe, Betty? or Lucia?
GemHeart Awesome!!! Maybe Andrea? She looks a bit like Alice!
100musicmaniac Maybe Macy
FunHeart1010 Or Darcy!
LouTheLuver OMG SHE LOOKS SO COOL! I LUV HER HAIR! Hmmm, should we name her Lartana or something to rhyme with Cortana? IDK XD. Anyways, she looks amazing!
Crystal Wow! Luv! Maybe Stella!
TwilightStarDust I like Stella thanks guys!!!
I wanted to apologize to all of you i feel terrible! I'm sorry for not posting and commenting as much and I'm sorry for not checking out your groups as often i've been really busy!! I wish I could post more of my drawings but I've been suffering from artist block! UGH!! Plz forgive me!!!
GemHeart Hay, hay, calm down, it’s OK Twi! We forgive you, not a big deal!
LouTheLuver It's ok Twi! We've all been there, so no worries!
TwilightStarDust Thanks for understanding guys!
FunHeart1010 Yeah we understand!
Crystal Give yourself some free time gurl!
Today I'm heading out of town so this is my only post for the day. This a drawing of me. Bye guys!
FunHeart1010 BYe girl!
GemHeart Cya and great pic!!!
LouTheLuver So cool! Luv her hair! Hope u have a good time outside!
GemHeart If I get my device today (I use my iPad for drawing digitally, not my computer) I'll draw this in my style too! ;) If you say ok
Crystal See you soon
Here is a picture i drew of my two little sister's!! Hope ya guys like it!! ❤👭
GemHeart Ya I could draw me and my sibs together too... haha that's gonna take a long time, since none of them will pose for me XD XD XD
LouTheLuver Um this is adorable! They look so happy!!
TwilightStarDust They are 8 and 7 years old, Gemmy
TwilightStarDust Of course it's ok if you could draw u and Coco together, Vivi
GemHeart Awwwww that's like one of the cutest and most annoying ages tho XD
GemHeart Oh, and I have a tip for you! If you put a background, if you wanna change the color of it, go to filters and use "mono color' or "change drawing color"!
Crystal Thanks!
TwilightStarDust Maybe for you Gemmy but my sister's are good girls the only time they are really annoying is when they're begging to play with me but other wise they're sweet. Thanks for the tip!
GemHeart NP. Well, I've never had younger sibs because I'm a quad, and I don't have older ones either... Liner is really annoying IRL, you wouldn't wanna meet him. Jeep would say the same thing, LOL... I was annoying at age 7 tho!
TwilightStarDust I bet XD JK
I posted some more drawings on my group go check it when u guys get a chance!!
GemHeart KK, going now!!!
GemHeart I love this one!
FunHeart1010 Remember that one!
LouTheLuver OMG this is so cool!