I made this out of LEGO Boost, I named it Aismo and I spent 4 Hours on it.
He is 1.2 Kilos and I really hope you like it!

JD2005 Cool!

LesbianWolfFurry Awesome!

GemHeart Cool!

Friend me 😭 😭 😰 🤧 😢

Pumpkin Kk!

JD2005 Alright!

lunalovegoodmolly Hi

Dis is also me

JD2005 Dis is Lionel Messi...

bella07 Yeah

Yo world!

Emelyisaway Hi!

KnightStar YEET

lunalovegoodmolly Hello!

forgxtten heylo

Pumpkin Welcome!

JD2005 Yo!


hghux555 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

JD2005 What why?

forgxtten why why why why why