This is literally kids Twitter period poo

Yusss Go into my later post and you'll see the post about twitter

EloquentRacer92 yeah that means popjam is kids kidznet which is kids twitter which is kids facebook which is kids APP THATS ILLEGAL

lunamoonlight This is more of kids FaceBook. It was actually gonna be called KidzBook but KS thought KidzNet sounded better. Twitter is more hateful. For the most part everyone here is pretty chill.

JD2005 @lunamoonlight Yeah.

EloquentRacer92 More of kids twitter

EloquentRacer92 APP THATS ILLEGAL = some sorta illegal social media

Yusss @lunamoonlight Very true

EloquentRacer92 No one is chill here u should get popjam

lunamoonlight @Elo You just seem like you're advertising PopJam right now loll

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