I got this from LunaMoonlight's post

lunamoonlight I can't see it. Also it is all lowercase.

lunamoonlight Okay, now I see it.

775 updates, folks.
No lie.
I think I'm gonna have to delete them. 😥
So PM me if you want me to see something special.

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Repost this:

ammyk Now this is making me sad. LOL

ammyk 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁


I try to draw a little bit of anime every day even if I can't do a whole lot. They're just random faces and eyes and stuff. I made my own simple way of drawing a character and it is really fun to do! I might post a tutorial later.

I've been reading a lot of Shakespeare latetly, and I love how in most of the more lighthearted plays there's one scene where everyone's confused and no one knows what's going on! Also, Macbeth is an idiot.

I memorized about 15 lines of Hamlet's soliloquy for school and writing it helps me remember it, so here goes (Please excuse the punctuation!):

To be or not to be, that is the question.
Whether this nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
To die, to sleep.
No more, and by a sleep to say we end
The heart ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is their to. Tis a consumation.
devoutly to be wished.
To die; to sleep.
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub.
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil?

Also, have you ever heard of Bad Lip Reading? Look it up on youtube. It's hilarious!

KnightStar Cool!

lunalovegoodmolly Nice.

forgxtten I was trying To memorize that yesterday...

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I went to an anime & Manga library program the other day, and I learned 3 things:
1. Anything worth doing is hard
2. Effort often surpasses skill
3. I need to read and watch A LOT more anime & manga!

lunalovegoodmolly lol. Sounds about right..

Pumpkin nice

forgxtten cool!

forgxtten *you don’t watch manga

ammyk @Artistgirl I wasn't sure how else to phrase it so I just said that.

KnightStar Actually Artist, you do watch Manga, it may just not be moving but you still look at it with your eyes resulting in "watching manga".

GemHeart Yeah, those are about correct! I was terrible at art at first, but LO AND BEHOLD I got better!

KnightStar Same Gem, you can see from my earlier posts XD

forgxtten ok ok some pretty weird logic but ok

ammyk No offense artist girl!

I went to an anime & Manga library program the other day, and I learned 3 things:
1. Anything worth doing is hard
2. Effort often surpasses skill
3. I need to read and watch A LOT more anime & manga!

lunalovegoodmolly lol. Sounds about right..

Pumpkin nice

forgxtten cool!

forgxtten *you don’t watch manga

ammyk @Artistgirl I wasn't sure how else to phrase it so I just said that.

KnightStar Actually Artist, you do watch Manga, it may just not be moving but you still look at it with your eyes resulting in "watching manga".

GemHeart Yeah, those are about correct! I was terrible at art at first, but LO AND BEHOLD I got better!

KnightStar Same Gem, you can see from my earlier posts XD

forgxtten ok ok some pretty weird logic but ok

ammyk No offense artist girl!

Um....just a funny(ish) story...

So a while ago at the beginning of the school year, (I'm homeschooled) My mom bought a big pack of notebook paper for my whole family to use.
Then, a couple weeks after we had started school, I took the whole thing out of the drawer so I could use a few sheets...
...and we haven't seen the ENTIRE STACK OF PAPER since. Oops.
I tell my friends "I'm not bad at keeping track of stuff, I'm just good at losing things."
Boom. Silver-lining.

Have a great day!

ammyk spontaneity is kinda my thing


KnightStar me too, I keep forgetting my stuff. Like, just a few days ago I forget my folder and I had to drive all they way back to my house to get it -_- Worst part is this happens every time I bring it home.

JD2005 XD

lunalovegoodmolly LOL

lunalovegoodmolly Same here

forgxtten lol that’s me, like I drew a picture of Lavender yesterday and lost it. I’m redoing it now lol

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Hi guys! Jesus loves you!

ammyk This is my 1st post

KnightStar Hola old Ammy K!

Pumpkin hoy

Pumpkin hoy

JD2005 Hey!