Look at this cool video! (It’s a livestream, so there might not be anything exciting when you look at it)

ammyk Wow. I can’t believe it. I forgot to add the link. Here it is: https://birdwatchersrva.com/video-live-stream/.

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Hello! How's everyone? I am tryna make another Q&A. Who wants to be the interviewed user? Just comment below and I will message you questions, and stuff! (When I post it on KT, I'll add my comments to the questions)

GemHeart Also, while I get it in order, which OC do you want me to interview tomorrow? BC, GC, RIN? It would be one-on-one, tell me which one and then ask me a question for the OC.

ammyk I’m interested in interviews!

CSeriestechhero Mee too

CSeriestechhero Me!

ammyk Me too!

lunamoonlight Me, I suppose.

ammyk Nice grammar, Lunamoonlight!

lunamoonlight :)

lunamoonlight I got my grammar good one time, normally it sucks.

lunamoonlight like now XD

Hello! Happy Monday! It’s 2:24 PM where I am right now, and isn’t somebody’s birthday tomorrow? I’m sorry, but I can’t remember whose it is. Anyway, here’s a cool video I found by using the “random” button on KidzTube.https://www.kidzsearch.com/kidztube/mobile/watch.php?&random=1

ammyk KK!

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KnightStar asked my OCs a question, can you guys please rather ask them one on this post or on this question? Link to post: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/41560/q%26a-with-my-ocs-rinji-shukei-goldicat-and-black-cat

lunamoonlight Could I ask them a question or two? First one is what are their favorite thing to do out of anything in the world. Second is whatwould they do if they were the last person on earth. Random questions, but there they are.

GemHeart Sure!

ammyk Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I have a question! Pick me! Here it is: If someone were to offer you a million dollars, what would you do with it?