so I'm getting enrolled in k12 because the public school i go too sucks because they don't even teach me they don't even check on me I'm doing online school i will be in k12 next year my second year of high school i hope it works out for me cuz I'm really struggling
Queeny Well, lemme tell you, as someone who's been in k12 and other online schools for the entirety of my life, if you're already struggling k12 ain't gonna be a breeze. Most of the kids enrolled into k12 are either 1. The ones that have been there all of their educational years (me), 2. Gifted children that have surpassed the regular curriculum, and 3. Kids who try online school to see if it's for them, most of them end up dropping out after their first year.
KnightStar I was in K12 for years! :) If you didn't like your before schools way of online schooling, then K12 will be even worse.
cookie122105 i thought it was going to be a good choice guess not they actually convince my parents and guess i was wrong