1,610 Points


i ade this fake acc a year ago

idk what was going through my head 

a knee ways 

about me :)))

origionally (idk how to spwll that oh well) joined kt as a registered user december 2019 but left for 11 months which is technically a year cause rounding n stuff- but before i was registered i was probably on kt since my birthday in 2019- wait... MY 13TH BIRHDAY LMAO SHEESH ITS BEEN SO lONG so september of 2019 (yez imma virgo)

names i go by- (none my real name, but i'll respond to) ein, kai (like kairi but shorter) and oli (nickname coined by my friend) 

prounouns: idk i don't really like any so i prefer ve/vem, or xe/xem, but ve/vem is my prefrence ehe ^^

15 in september 2021

i cant stop watching mcyts 

i use time indicators a lot, because through words/screen tone gets lost and i think they're pretty helpful!

if you dont know what tone indicators are, or forgot what some meant, here's a list for you:

/j- joke, like " my room is so lit it's on fire /j" 

/hj- like joking, but when you're only half joking "you need to stop eating cheetos everyday- /hj" 

/s- sarcastic *mug falls and breaks* "wow absoulutely love that /s"

 i'm demiromantic, which means differently to eveyone, but to me its like being panromanticbut brfore any romantic fellings like a crush theres a strong emotional freindship bondddddd :)))

also im taken by this swag person 

my favorite 3 mc discs in this order:

1. mellohi- its calming and it relaxes me when i'm stressed

2. chirp- theres something nostalgic about it but in a creepy uncomfortable way to where i have no choice to love it-

3. ward- i dont really have an explanation for this one because its hard to say i know myself... but it reminds me of the old mc halloween map... ah wow 

my favorite color is purple and i like to draw :p 

i wear hoodies a lotttt and im really short-

i know lemony the bean (kt user) in real life, and although they have it blocked on their phone now, i know that they miss you all a whole bunch :(

darksun joined KidzNet on April 3rd, 2020 - 11:32:19 AM