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Who can read this?

Fae That is very interesting!

LouTheLuver OoO I can read it!!!!!!!!

PrincessLuna Me!

forgxtten I can!

JD2005 I can raed it! I hvae saherd it bofree.

KnightStar I can!!

GemHeart Yup, me too

Queeny I can read it, I've seen people with worse grammar 😂😂 they really took the "spelling isn't important" to heart

KnightStar ikr queny l3ke speling lke si impoitant

lunalovegoodmolly I can okay enough

forgxtten I cna raed tihs psot. aer yuo oen of toshe secpail poelpe?

forgxtten Queeny its not grammar its spelling there’s a difference 😂

CoolKiid Spelling isnt ipmorantt!!!!!!