Do you have a fave stuffie? If so, describe him/her.
I have a cat plush that looks like an anime cat, and then I have another one with SUPER SOFT fur. I love them both XD Their names are Goldicat and Fallenblossom, respectively.
See you guys tomorrow! ;D
lunamoonlight Mhm, little white dog with pink ears and tail. Her name is Coco and I have had since I was 3.
lunalovegoodmolly Yes, spottie the dalmatian and Jennifer the spaniel
KittyKat I used to have a bear (whose name was Berry) and it had soft fur so i would always sleep with it. I had to give it away because of my allergies.
FunHeart1010 I had one, her name was Tigee. Ok lemme explain, she was a stuffed animal that was a leopard. But we thought she was a I tiger, so we named her Tigee..XDD
Queeny Yes, a stuffed dragon called Dragon (oof, im not very creative with names)
yeetman64 Stuffed shark called sharkie and a stuffed rolly polly cald bug and a stuffed guinea pic called fluffy
GemHeart Very cool guys! XD I feel sorta old for having stuffies but I don't sleep with em.
Emelyisaway Max, the bear! my cousin Jacob got it for me for my graduation. he's a huge FAT squishy soft bear. he's brown and has sleepy eyes and little paws. a very snuggly boi