Took me an hour or so— Heres Legolas!
Took me an hour or so— Heres Legolas!
Me! As a cat girl —
GemHeart I’m gonna do a full blown (as in, not sketchy like this one) pfp later :D
JD2005 Aww... Pretty! ❤
-MarshmallowSmoosh- *tiny lindalen sits on shoulder*
GemHeart @HarryPotterLover123 thx for noticing hehe UwU
We are in public. Embarrass me.
(In keeping with the theme below. Do your worst)
EloquentRacer92 ugjbkhsfwufeuhfuereufgyehfugugeijga dats mah wurst
GemHeart *stares at them like they are children* Well it’s not like I got anything to hide lol *cries in a corner* if only he was 20 or somethin—
lunamoonlight @JD2005 Wow, we said almost the exact some thing. Way to be in sync lol.
JHAMMER2 do the tootsie
KnightStar *looks around & see's gem crying in a corner* did lego boi reject u?
JD2005 @lunamoonlight Oh wow. O.O
GemHeart Y E S he d I d mhm
tacoboi OR epople say draw me somehting for and action
tacoboi auction and at the action I CALL $5000 bux going once going twice sold!
-MarshmallowSmoosh- sing the muffin song at the top of my lungs and do a stupid dance
So like I said, I am letting y’all choose my cover PFP. (Scroll below for info, where I wrote to Luna). Knight and Queeny already have sent me their ideas... and wow.... only friends can do this to you T.T
I will judge the best one on Sunday night so it should be up by Monday. So get cracking y’all > just comment below this or the other one or hashtag it #ghcover so I can find them and judge them.
Ahhh I regret this already lol.
#ocfcs OC faceclaims part one!
I may change some later but for now here they are lol. Knight helped me find some. I used my meager photoshop skills on certain ones lol.
JD2005 RINJI! :O
lunamoonlight BC!!
lunamoonlight For you, an hour is like a day's worth to a normal person lol
JD2005 OMG... That's a masterpiece! :O
GemHeart @lunamoonlight LOL that’s true T.T @JD2005 <3 thx u
JD2005 NP <3