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Posted some new art on the GH Club (and on GH 2018- Current Best Art)!
Hello, J and Tintin! I am guessing you two are both guys? Welcome to KN, you can ask me any questions if you have any! Some great clubs to join are the Homework Club (WhizKid answers any homework questions), the FH Blog (FunHeart's personal blog), It's Vivi (Crystal's personal blog) the GH Club (my art "blog", GH 018- Current Best Art (my art club), etc etc! If you like art, there are lots of artists here and wed love to see your art!
Thanks for joining!
Posted the person to be interviewed on the Q&A Club! It's Vi, so please join to ask her questions for this week (up to Thurs). Vi, I will alert you as questions are asked, and you can answer. Please at least one sentence answers unless it is a yes or no question. To be interviewed, please request membership and message me. To ask, please join and start asking! Every week we will have a new guest! You can be assigned a week even after you've had one. I will probably be the second guest, then Albi, then Liner, In the order in of you guys joining.
Please ask questions that relate to the person and also, keep within KS's guidelines! Thanks.
I am gonna do a collage. When I say that I mean that you guys (who want to) will draw 1 character with no background. Then I take your character and add it in a scene with the other artists' submissions. Enter it by October14th with the hashtag #KSCollage1. I may edit your pic a bit to make it stand out on the collage, but no major changes.
The theme is: AUTUMN. Draw your character in autumn clothing! Jackets, scarfs, etc. Lots of color! Also, it can be your character or just a random OC you've made.
I would like it if Vi, FH, etc contributed! Enjoy, and don't worry, you have almost a month.
FunHeart1010 Okie dokie!!
Opened a Bleach Anime Group.
A faux watercolor-themed digital picture... the only one in which I made I look painted.
GemHeart *it look
Crystal Wow!
GemHeart Thx!
LouTheLuver It's peering into my a good and mysterious way!!!! #LUV
FunHeart1010 Woaahhh
GemHeart Thx u 2!!!