lunamoonlight AWWW
Queeny why am i not at the top of that list >:( (cute drawing thooo :D)
lunamoonlight @Queeny BECAUSE I AM THE ULTIMATE SHIPPER (i filled 20 pages dude, my computer gave up).
GemHeart @Queeny lol
JD2005 Aww... ❤ (Why am I in brackets though?, lol)
lunamoonlight @JD2005 Cuz we didn't know if you was even still alive dude
GemHeart Cuz u left lol *sad*
Lindalen’s new facial design, which is actually what I’ve wanted, so I can say GEM U HAVE IMPROVED
lunamoonlight Luv it!
JD2005 Great! ❤
JD2005 So pretty! ❤
GemHeart :DDDD
JD2005 :D