SO, sketching Lindalen-

SO, sketching Lindalen-
Y’all I really wanna find a realistic artist who can draw meh girl Lindalen, but I’m not allowed to join art websites XD
Queen157 Why? How about paigee world before it shut down?
Sewinghedgies101 Do you think maybe someone on kidzart could make one for you?
KnightStar @Sewinghedgies101 KA aint out yet. Maybe Queeny could find a artist to draw your drawing.
GemHeart @Queen157 I hadn’t made Lindalen yet, and several realistic artists who I met always ghosted me or never posted anything I requested. @Sewinghedgies101 IDK! Maybe, but I couldn’t pay them, sadly.
GemHeart @Queen157 I hadn’t made Lindalen yet, and several realistic artists who I met always ghosted me or never posted anything I requested. @Sewinghedgies101 IDK! Maybe, but I couldn’t pay them, sadly.
lunamoonlight How about DrawingHub, what did your mom say for that?
GemHeart Knight, that’d be nice :) and Luna, haven’t asked her yet, but just the fact that there’s a filter for those younger than 18+ would turn her off it...
Drew something for it earlier but it’s trash LOL
See y’all Mon!!!
But #QotD
What’s your fave day of the week? (Not weekends... haha)
JD2005 Hard question lol. Cya!
lunalovegoodmolly Friday
CoralSophie08 Ummm Friday
CoralSophie08 And see ya then!
lunamoonlight Any day with social interaction.
Junior FRIDAYS!!! It's the closest to the weekends.
Queeny Wednesday!
Tried semi realism...
JD2005 Cool!
KnightStar looks great!!!
GemHeart Thanks!!!!
lunamoonlight Not bad, it is really good! I would advise trying it traditionally first. It still looks slightly anime-ish, but you usually draw anime so that is normal.
JD2005 NP!
GemHeart I have, Luna. Also it’s semi, so I guess it’s fine
JD2005 👍
Queeny The hair looks so flowy! It's so pretty!
GemHeart :)