What color is this dress coment what colors u see

What color is this dress coment what colors u see
Yay imma get my hair cut 💇♀️
hamsterkeeper123 It's just a trim tho
hamsterkeeper123 Here's a pic #before
EloquentRacer92 I’m not going to get a cut til august
lunamoonlight How do you brush hair that far down your back, it looks difficult.
hamsterkeeper123 Ik it's really hard but I still manage somehow 😕😅😪🙃😔?
JD2005 @Queeny Lol, am I delusional then?
lunamoonlight Okay, I'm looking at this and cannot see white. I can understand the dress looking blue and gold or blue and black, but I cannot shift my eyes to see white.
KnightStar Blue & black
Autumn weird, i was seeing blue and black even a few hours ago, now i see white and gold. pretty cool tho
Autumn i can't unsee it now- how do i see blue and black again?
youngshezzy15 i think you guys need to get your eyes checked lol and get lens or glasses.😭😭🤣🤣🤣
lunamoonlight No, the actual dress is blue and black. You can look up "what color is the dress" and it will tell you the actual color is blue and black. Also, I just went to the eye doctor a few weeks ago. My vision may be slightly off, but I'm no where near colorblind.
lunamoonlight Plus, I've researched color theory and can tell what color something is and why it might look like another color.
EloquentRacer92 @youngshezzy15 I have glasses
youngshezzy15 @eloquentracer92 oh idk