i mean who likes poetry
GemHeart I like poetry!
FunHeart1010 I mean like i used to do it but not anymore
hungergamesgirl888 i love poetry! My fave poem is Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. It was featured in the front of one of the Twilight books so u may have seen it there. I saw it before I read Twilight though. I think it's breathtaking!
hungergamesgirl888 This is it
harmain i will call you 888
Pumpkin Oh I have seen that poem!
whi liked poetry. i ❤ it
mockingjay222 I love it too!!
there is also a riddle.
jonny's father has 5 children. their names are
what is the name of fifth last child???
FunHeart1010 Wait,wait wait. YOU DREW THAT?!?! AMAZINGG!!
harmain yes
Tintin1956 preety
Tintin1956 pretty (sry)
InkBoyJay :D
GemHeart Did you draw that Harmain? If yes, didn't know you could draw, plz share more, if not, who did? I cant read the signoff.
mockingjay222 I LOVE it
Pumpkin Nope. It is online, I searched for the image https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZivFdB3PtgVhkmLWPx2KWrP4OO7HDJtTItNjMJjAmVgVOp6pAhkBosEmLVawkq87AVbnVS-1RS0hv1fYiV6dy-7HnIw8My6lw3HAVosvFdtpxna66azRVdW-APEfoS8m3_1KAvDdUeRoUHkhT5gBvJwtQkX4CZSNKPc74zk3C-QOgC6d3-87pae9PFKBjf70POSi0WXA4VLkeJctiz1xplkVeIjAFrxTZiBMw9cbo5Bkg9iKFGiJ57ciBjZpUNENVaprMlqF3CYVpeWhAHoKaIZrB3bkxckkpPVBJd4qbTkQy666a5luhBDeaiAQuLsvwd03ERaJvy7zp250eAHjIQkj2EZefEA
harmain for those who can understand Urdu
JD2005 Sorry I can't.
GemHeart It looks like Thai? A bit I guess? Cool anyway! My mum had to go on a Japanese Amazon to check out a Bleach art book I wanted that was only coming out in Japan though they said they would ship to the U.S, anyway she had to use Google translate to read it, but it was cool!