14,696 Points

Comment notifications are now live. You should receive an e-mail based on your notification settings if someone posts a comment for something you started on the main News Feed or a Group.

100musicmaniac YAY

KidzSearch We don't want to send too much e-mail if you are getting a lot of comments. How often would you be okay with getting updates - every hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, once per day?

GemHeart How about every 6 hours?

100musicmaniac Maybe once per day

Thob12105 1 a day please

File uploads should now work for you if you are using our App on Amazon tablets. The update should be automatic, but you may need to reinstall it to get it working. iTunes and Android devices have also been updated. Link to our Apps:

If you are using the KidzSearch App with KidzNet, file uploads should work now for most Android devices. I know this was an issue for some of you. You might need to update the KidzSearch App if it does not upgrade automatically for you. Amazon Kindle Fire users will need to wait a bit for their update which is coming soon.

Crystal Thanks for the info

oceanseacamel Usefull!

We fixed some problems related to blank entries appearing. Special thanks to Tyler for reporting them to us! This was causing issues when you would post directly on one of your KidzNet friend's wall. You should now be able to do it. Remember, you can only post on the wall of a friend (or your own wall) and that post can only be seen by your KidzNet friends unless you make it public. Posts on the main News Feed are always seen by everyone unless it is made private for your friends only.

Public posts have a globe symbol next to them and friend posts have a group symbol. If you see any issues since the fix, please let us know.

TylerTheDrummer Your welcome!

Thob12105 Thanks Tyler and thanks KidzSearch for fixing the problem

KidzNet improvement suggestions. We are in the process of releasing an improved version of KidzNet. What features or improvements would you like to see for the next update? Your feedback is important to us.

LouTheLuver Maybe make more hashtags work, editing pictures (like cropping, image lengths, etc. I would also like to add to Tyler but make a 😪 if the post is sad and/or emotional. And maybe make GIFS work?

LouTheLuver Maybe even have live chats we could schedule?

FunHeart1010 Ya that would be AWESOME!

TylerTheDrummer Hmm, an IMPROVED KidzNet, that would be AWESOME!!

TylerTheDrummer Wait, I hope you don't have to pay to do this, do you?

KidzSearch These are all great suggestions and the new version coming out will continue to be free. Some things we are working on are interactive games and challenges to make it more fun to use.

FunHeart1010 How long will it take to develop the new kidznet?

KidzSearch The upgrades will come out gradually, so you will start to see new features over time and we will let you know about them. Almost everything will be free like now, but we may have some premium features.

Leothegeo what if u make notifacashoins and tell people about live videos

Ada4 You can’t really do that it’s against the Kidznet policy

KidzNet Tip: Posting in the general Newsfeed Section shows your post to everyone and is also included on your own Timeline. Posting on your own Timeline or a Group only shows it to people in that section and is not visible on the Newsfeed.

We noticed a lot of new KidzNet members, so welcome! Please remember the following rules:
No personal information is allowed. This includes any pictures, video, or audio that can identify you, phone numbers, and usernames on other services.

Any content that is not G-rated and safe for kids of all ages will get deleted. This includes foul language, hateful or racist content, etc. Accounts will be deleted and/or permanently banned if our moderators see it. All content is screened before it is made public.

Jenny Okay 😉 😉

OpalSoul78 Oh, so that is why my account keeps getting deleted..Won't do it again. Also, I caused all those new people to come, I advertised the site everywhere.

New e-mail notifications. We will soon be sending out e-mails when you have a friend request, group join request, comment, and other items. You can setup your Notification e-mail address in the Account Settings section (upper right dropdown). The default is whatever you used to signup for KidzNet, but it can be changed. You can also turn on/off notifications.

KidzNet Question: Would you like to receive an e-mail whenever you get a comment on a post or a group join request? If so, do you have an e-mail account to get it? If not, would it be okay to use the e-mail we have on file when you got approved to join KidzNet? This can also be an optional feature, so if you did not want e-mails, you could turn it off.

EmeraldJazzi cool

GemHeart That sounds cool!

TwilightStarDust Sure

TylerTheDrummer Nah! I got WAY to much notifications! And it will be the same thing with emails!

TylerTheDrummer But you could just do the thing about group join requests!

Pugkid No thank you

FunHeart1010 Yes no yes no yes no Can not decide

mathgirl22 maybe

KidzSearch Thanks for the feedback. We will make it optional and include things like group join requests, messages, comments, etc.

MusicTigerSmile sure.