1,319 Points

is anyone going to school in person

lunamoonlight Not me, most of my school tho

craftqueen55 not meh im home school

JD2005 Nope!

mycatlovesme99 same

flowermagic homeschooled

craftqueen55 Me to!!

flowermagic no

is anyone one gonna watch the new Jurassic Park movie that's coming out on July 11 2021?

lunamoonlight Nope

craftqueen55 its really bad where i live

craftqueen55 sooo no

craftqueen55 and i don't want to

Queeny holy moly they're making another movie? I thought they already milked that franchise till it was dryer than a bone in the middle of the desert.

JD2005 Nope, plus, I'm not interested.

lunamoonlight Lol Queeny

flowermagic yes!

KnightStar 100% I've re watched all of them until I couldn't no more so I'll sip what I have left