1,038 Points

What is your favorite food

cakelover Pizza!!!

JD2005 Um... Chicken.

JD2005 @cakelover I thought you'd say cake!?

KnightStar Vegan hotdogs.....that stuff is made out of of tofu that makes it even better

cakelover .??

cakelover Cake and pizza

vanillacake pizza

Which do you think is the best

cakelover Balloon and bomb

lunalovegoodmolly Same as @cakelover.

Queen157 King

JD2005 King!

KnightStar Balloon!

FortnitePlayer King

lunamoonlight Same as cake lover.

Here is a picture I made

cakelover (I liked)

Pumpkin Nice

JD2005 Cute!

KnightStar Cute!

How are you guys

cakelover Good

JD2005 Average.

FortnitePlayer Good!

cakelover As always

Thanks to all of you that said you would be my friends

cakelover 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

JD2005 NP :D