1,834 Points

made a edit for cousin bc i miss her

youngshezzy15 you dont need to know but i am 10 about to turn 11 this year. so if you mess with i mess with you periodttt and dont need to be mauture and take oders from you . bc and dont know you .

youngshezzy15 and i saw your bio people are you are annoying and they also think your haha so think before you type a cooment

lunamoonlight Okay* though* I* don't* again* because* something* don't* I* me I will* .* period* I* don't* mature* orders* because* I* I* you people are* you are* comment*

lunamoonlight What were you saying about thinking before you type a comment?

youngshezzy15 bc you need to afk if you dont think before you type a coment that is rude and are mocking me ? dont test me periodttt . and i dont think you knows what that means fyi it means end of story

lunamoonlight Okay, honey, if you're gonna diss, at least listen to this and learn how to write first-

youngshezzy15 ummm no Ty BC you scared to answer my question uhhh haha whatever no one cares anyway

youngshezzy15 you going to waste my time

lunamoonlight What question? Your writing is so incoherent I can barely tell the difference between one of your sentences and another (ya gotta fix those run-ons), much less tell when you ask a question. Honestly, use a dang spell checker or Grammarly or something.

youngshezzy15 @lunamoonlught is just blind i know she can understand my typing she just doing exrta . the fact that she does to say she was wrong that is just rude .@***ry ty you for trying to help but i got this .