What's your new year resolution?
What's your new year resolution?
Kidzsearch, I was wondering if instead of points we could get Kidzdollars and we could spend them on cute badges or titles or special features?
Fae What are the points for anyways? That is a cool idea. Spend them on cool layouts, avatars, backgrounds, etc.
KidzSearch We are planning to offer special upgrades, like badges, custom backgrounds, exclusive access to the beta KidzNet gaming center, free KidzTube Plus accounts, user chat privileges and more when you reach certain point levels. The points you are earning now will help you get these features when they become available.
100musicmaniac YEAHH!
QueenOfTheUnicorns Yaass
Crafter4017 Lol: how long do we have to wait
Crystal I love pusheen the cat, and nutella!
QueenOfTheUnicorns NUTELLA IS LIFE
What's your favorite thing to do on Kidzsearch?
I like kidznet!
WhizKid Browse the latest videos on KidzTube
TwilightStarDust KidzNet and KidzTube
QueenOfTheUnicorns Kidznet
Crafter4017 Kidznet and Kidztube
Poll: what is your favorite day of the week?
FunHeart1010 Every day of the week!
Jen Saturday for me.
TylerTheDrummer Friday
Happy101 Any day with no school lol 😂
QueenOfTheUnicorns Friday!! :D
Crafter4017 Sunday. I can wear tuxedos and dinner jackets
Kidzsearch can you enable some notifications for clubs so when someone posts you get notified!!!!
Crystal Ya!
KidzSearch We have that featured scheduled to go live soon and will keep you updated.
100musicmaniac THANKS
QueenOfTheUnicorns Awesome
What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Crystal Going to cousins
PrincessLuna Grandma's house
100musicmaniac I'm also going to grandma's house.
QueenOfTheUnicorns ❤️❤️❤️
What''s your favorite song? Mine is Havana and Sorry Not Sorry
FunHeart1010 Those are mine too!
PrincessLuna Mine is Ten Thousand Reasons
QueenOfTheUnicorns Him and I and sorry not sorry ❤️❤️❤️🙂
100musicmaniac YASSSS!
Crafter4017 Uptown Funk or Learn From Lei Feng’s Good Example
What's something fun you do on the weekends?
TwilightStarDust Watch horror movies!
Robert Play baseball!
PrincessLuna Pinterest
QueenOfTheUnicorns Absolutely nothing 😝
Crafter4017 Build with legos
PrincessLuna Star Trek
QueenOfTheUnicorns Work out! And I have been so YAY ME 🙂❤️
Crafter4017 Mine is to post more