1,902 Points

(Mamma does not like to be equal mamma wants to win)- Sam Puckket

today I’m gonna work in my music teacher’s garden and if I do that I will get a free guitar lesson. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😂 😂 😁 😁 😂 😂

Wanna here a joke what’s the difference between roast beef and pea soup you can roast beef but you can’t pee soup ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahhahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaDontWorryAboutMyMentleHelathahhahahagahahahahahhaahHhHhahahahahahahhahahahahahahagaghaha
Seriously 😳

Pumpkin :/

JD2005 Eww...

Pumpkin Technically you can pee soup because the soup fluid will become pee

Momobami Um... Oldest one Ever..

Autumn honestly i-

Shared Post

y u p

forgxtten hast thou seen my journal

PurpleMochi I didnth know thou hadth a journal

forgxtten yea, thy request hath been accepted

JD2005 lol

Kidznet deleted the link for my yt* channel 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Pumpkin they're protecting ya :)

JD2005 :)

GuitaristKid They did that to me

-MarshmallowSmoosh- You aren’t allowed to do so

Movie night at my house🍿🥤🎥

JD2005 Yay!

I made a Minecraft smp 😁

PurpleMochi Pog!