3,417 Points

hey @TomBoyFoxGrl, I was wondering, why do you never post, but you only comment? Ive seen that you have some great ideas, so maybe try posting some more!

JHAMMER2 Do you mean Me?

Pumpkin her posts were deleted

GuitaristKid She is in trouble with admin

KnightStar A lot of her posts were deleted, I believe.

JD2005 *@TomBoyFoxGrl. Her posts were deleted.

AstrialFlames Not you Jhammer. Thank you Pumpkin, Guitarist, and Knight!

AstrialFlames oh and JD

JD2005 NP :)

Shared Post

JD2005 Thanks for sharing! 💙

AstrialFlames Anytime man, your taste is amazing!

JD2005 :D

Huh? I never talk to her, never talk about anime and this happens. Why, eqoulent, I thought we were friends?


Ash Well, you did make some BeyBlade posts.

JD2005 Oof.

AstrialFlames Ash that is different

I might not post for the week because im going on a trip but i will try to login on my ipad.

ammyk Okee dokklees

Ash K!

JD2005 Kk!

EloquentRacer92 Me too! Except I’m leaving today...

ammyk I hope both of you had great trips!

AstrialFlames Back!

Today I got 47 notificaitions! i cleared them tho

JD2005 *Laughs in 35,409*

AstrialFlames Ik

Ash *Laughs in why do people keep saying laughs in (number)*

EloquentRacer92 931!

lunamoonlight The laughs in number is a "Ha, I have this many"

Who else here feels like we are all just a family?

Wilhelmina123 Yes we are all the same😀

TomBoyFoxGrl Sort of I mean yeah but I cant say that completely cause I haven't been online that long so basically I am saying yes I do feel like that

PurpleMochi Yup!

Wilhelmina123 😀

lunamoonlight Yup!

JD2005 Me :D

ammyk I think at times we are too nice to each other to be a family. Then someone misspells something and hoo boy.

AstrialFlames Glad we feel the same!

So many new users since December!

ammyk True.

Queeny yep

Ash Yeah.

EloquentRacer92 Including me!

JD2005 Yup!

tacoboi ik

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share this post if your American


AstrialFlames I'm Half American, Half South American, and a quarter Martian.

PurpleMochi Half, half quarter. ✨m a t h✨

ammyk @AstrialFlames, yeah checks out.

KnightStar I'm duo citizenship too 😁 😁 😁

ammyk @PurpleMochi, that's how ✨m a t h✨ works on Mars.

EloquentRacer92 Ooh what's life on Mars like?

lunamoonlight Dry and cold due to the atmosphere. And yet,✨s u n b u r n s✨. Also, a bit dusty.

lunamoonlight And you know, filled with carbon dioxide.

ammyk @lunamoonlight 🅵🆄🅽



-MarshmallowSmoosh- ooft rip squiddy, spongey

Is anyone here an amourshipper? ( If you don't know what an amourshipper is, its someone who ships ash ketchum x serena yvonne from pokemon.)

AstrialFlames If you are, be ready to throw buses at calem here

AstrialFlames 🚍🚍🚍🚍🚍🚍🚍🚍🚌🚌

JD2005 I was like: Amour- What? 😅

AstrialFlames LoL