3,417 Points

Luna please make a link to moo moo's club. I wanna se what its all about and maybe i want to be a moo moo?

ammyk Let me innnnnn!

AstrialFlames Let Me Innnnnn!

Does anyone here fall under one or more of the LGBTQ categories?

TomBoyFoxGrl Me

lunamoonlight Yes.

PurpleMochi Yea!

EloquentRacer92 Nope. Not me.

JD2005 There are several people, but not me.

EloquentRacer92 And am I the only non-LGBTQIA person -_-

AstrialFlames Ok, at one point i thought i was B, but then i realized that was fake, and im straight

GemHeart I dont lol

I wish that I could claim this pic as mine but I can't. 😥

JD2005 Lol, my IRL friends loves Beyblade.

Ash I hate Beyblade with a ✨burning✨ passion

ammyk Ash, I hesitate to ask why.

Ash @ammy Because my brother’s beyblades are as loud as HELL

ammyk Well, Hell is pretty darn loud. I wonder if they have flaming beyblades there.

AstrialFlames If u use them right, then they are not loud

I have like: NO notificaitions from the past few days

Queeny Yea it's been a bit dry :/

EloquentRacer92 The thing is, I have 217.

JD2005 Oof.

ammyk @EloquentRacer92, 367.

Shared Post

taboosinss Oh my gosh it worked

FunHeart1010 It worked! Super cool

taboosinss Yeah super cool!!

Shared Post

taboosinss Oh my gosh it worked

FunHeart1010 It worked! Super cool

taboosinss Yeah super cool!!


Ima do duke's challenge, too!

AstrialFlames JK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AstrialFlames But u have to watch

lunamoonlight Yes, very disguised.

forgxtten it’s literally called “rick roll video disguised” and the thumbnail is rick astley

Ash Disguised? Huh?

Anonymous Be better if they had a kitten thumbnail and had something like "Cute cats doing cute things" as a title, then you click and rick rolled

AstrialFlames Ikr

AstrialFlames but the link is different.

You are cool; Try to change my mind.

Ash Nah, not even close to cool lmbo

JD2005 TBH, I'm known to be the most uncool kid at school.

AstrialFlames Nah, you are all cool IMO.

Who is on RN?

DukeSilver What's "RN?"

tacoboi meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

LesbianWolfFurry "rn" = "Right now"

AstrialFlames Right now.

AstrialFlames that is rn

JD2005 Me!

Ash Moi