8,617 Points

Don't ask me why I was playing prodigy at 3am.
I want to get into Algebra 1, okay?!? Geez.

lunamoonlight Loll. I can relate, even tho I'm in Algebra 1 in 8th grade, it's NOT fun.

JD2005 XD

You know you're bored when...
You go onto ABCYa to play games because its the only gaming site your school has unblocked.

Ada4 Lol

Ada4 Yeah-Abcya is like the only unblocked gaming website on our school computers

JD2005 Oof.

lunamoonlight Try searching for games on google sites, it's a loophole. Most schools don't block anything on google sites, if they do, it's only a couple of the major game google sites, there are several of them.

CoralSophie08 @lunamoonlight thank you, I found a bunch.

lunamoonlight @CoralSohpie08 Mhm! NP! I found that loophole on my school computer. I recommend a game called Riddle School, it's got like, 5 parts, and you can find it on google sites. It's fun to play.

I introduce to you, my new school pfp *and possibly on here*

CoralSophie08 It was supposed to be a GIF darn it all

JD2005 Oof. But it's pretty!

Ada4 Wow I love it, looks so pretty!

lunamoonlight Beautiful tho!

KnightStar i had that gif in my bio for a long time AHA *not ks bio and also i changed it lol*. its so calming...