544 Points

does anyone know what XD means?

FunHeart1010 Just like a laughing face.

TylerTheDrummer It's an emoji-it's supposed to be a guy closing his eye's because he's laughing so hard. It doesn't stand for anything, it's just an emoji! XD

Holahi same as lol

Romi330 XD is an emoji but in text form. BTW XD is actually supposed to be spelled xD its a common mistake that most people make!

lunamoonlight Emoticon. Emojis are pictures, emoticons are text pictures.

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS Oh Now I see it


I know I have been offline for awhile know. But I'm online now. I kept forgetting about KidzNet.

Help the turtles. RECYCLE! 😃

lunalovegoodmolly Yes!

lunamoonlight Yep. Also with trash I find one thing odd though, if you litter, it will take about 5-15 years (depends on what you were littering) to decompose, but if you throw it away it ends up in a landfill where it will likely kill a bunch of animals, like turtles, and with the amount of trash it will take an extremely long time to decompose if ever. This is why I support reduce, re-use and recycle.

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS Correct, and plastic takes about 1000 years to decompose

I just got a cool timeglass!

Queen157 It big :)

whereintheworld nice!

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whereintheworld Omg!!!!

whereintheworld *jumps up and down 10 times*

Crazy4GUINEAPIGS so cute

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This is Fleurs Opulentes the rabbit. She is 14 years old and wants to be a professional ballerina someday.

100musicmaniac So cute

Fae I actually saw a video of someone who was cosplaying a purple rabbit girl!

FunHeart1010 Cute!

Crafter4017 👌😀👍

Crafter4017 Cool

Thob12105 omg

LouTheLuver #LUV

GemHeart LOL! So cute!

Kiddlol288 Can I join? The group? I love harry potter!! 😁

Pumpkin yup

Like this post if you love guinea pigs.

Bewitched67 Cute😘😘

Pumpkin noice!

cakelover Adorable

lunalovegoodmolly So cute.

FortnitePlayer So cute and fluffy