I can't stop drawing the cursed emojis, someone please stop me
I can't stop drawing the cursed emojis, someone please stop me
welp, i'm no longer baby
im baby
lunamoonlight What is this on?
forgxtten hmmm
FunHeart1010 w o w s u c h b a b y
JD2005 What's this?
GemHeart ?!?!?! XDA
Emelyisaway It's on shindan maker, this one was like a pringle energy thing? And the other one was the vibe check!
uhh followed gem's eye tutorial, and then did this rip
lunalovegoodmolly cool
FunHeart1010 r I p but cool
lunamoonlight AWESOME
JD2005 Cool!
GemHeart RIP But good job! Very proud of ya!
Emelyisaway thx Gem lol :D
KnightStar oh no what happened- I'll follow it too now!
I have a speaking appointment for Japanese today and I'm t e r r i f i e d
lunalovegoodmolly good luck
Emelyisaway thx :)
FunHeart1010 good luck!
lunamoonlight I am learning Japanese. Kon'nichiwa! Ogenkidasuka?
JD2005 Good luck!
GemHeart I really wanna get a Japanese class, can't find any. So, hello Duolingo, which I havent had ANY time for ;(
Emelyisaway Genki desu! Arigatou gusaimasu, o genkidesu ka?
Emelyisaway I'm learning Japanese for school Gem! I'm taking it as a world language since it's required, but I rlly wanted to learn Japanese. Duolingo is good too though! Try it!!!
KnightStar YEAH, I have those every week where I talk to someone in said language for a full, fluent conversation about a topic....it's stressful...
i drew a gurl in a froggi sweater oof
forgxtten cute
FunHeart1010 coOL
JD2005 Cute! I love your style!
Emelyisaway thanks hehe
JD2005 NP Hehe...
lunalovegoodmolly nice
Queeny So cute!
a batgirl lol
forgxtten dat mouf
FunHeart1010 Nice! I love your drawings!!
JD2005 Same FH!
GemHeart Very cool!
Emelyisaway thanks guys :D
JD2005 NP Emely :D
lunalovegoodmolly Stop!
Emelyisaway I C A N T
KnightStar STOP
Emelyisaway AAA
forgxtten draw them everywhere until you get tired of them!