20,487 Points

I can't stop drawing the cursed emojis, someone please stop me

lunalovegoodmolly Stop!

Emelyisaway I C A N T

KnightStar STOP

Emelyisaway AAA

forgxtten draw them everywhere until you get tired of them!

Shared Post

You should make it so you can see a collection of past profile pics on someone's page. Also how do you add an image to your bio?

Pumpkin That seems like a good idea.

forgxtten yeah!

Queeny Good idea!

FortnitePlayer Agreed

JD2005 Agreed!

forgxtten to put a pic on your bio, you just copy and paste.

KidzSearch The bio editor allows you to copy/paste images or upload them. Past profile pics are an interesting idea, but users may not want you to see them. They can always be added to their bio page.

lunalovegoodmolly Thanks for the response

JD2005 Agreed!

lunalovegoodmolly Thx for sharing

Emelyisaway Yeh!

welp, i'm no longer baby

forgxtten lol

FunHeart1010 awww no more baby

JD2005 What's this?

GemHeart This is odd XD

im baby

lunamoonlight What is this on?

forgxtten hmmm

FunHeart1010 w o w s u c h b a b y

JD2005 What's this?

GemHeart ?!?!?! XDA

Emelyisaway It's on shindan maker, this one was like a pringle energy thing? And the other one was the vibe check!

uhh followed gem's eye tutorial, and then did this rip

lunalovegoodmolly cool

FunHeart1010 r I p but cool

lunamoonlight AWESOME

JD2005 Cool!

GemHeart RIP But good job! Very proud of ya!

Emelyisaway thx Gem lol :D

KnightStar oh no what happened- I'll follow it too now!

I have a speaking appointment for Japanese today and I'm t e r r i f i e d

lunalovegoodmolly good luck

Emelyisaway thx :)

FunHeart1010 good luck!

lunamoonlight I am learning Japanese. Kon'nichiwa! Ogenkidasuka?

JD2005 Good luck!

GemHeart I really wanna get a Japanese class, can't find any. So, hello Duolingo, which I havent had ANY time for ;(

Emelyisaway Genki desu! Arigatou gusaimasu, o genkidesu ka?

Emelyisaway I'm learning Japanese for school Gem! I'm taking it as a world language since it's required, but I rlly wanted to learn Japanese. Duolingo is good too though! Try it!!!

KnightStar YEAH, I have those every week where I talk to someone in said language for a full, fluent conversation about a topic....it's stressful...

Is anyone else replies glitching where it'll post two instead of one?

lunalovegoodmolly Sometimes

Holahi Nope

Pumpkin yes.

forgxtten yup

JD2005 Sometimes.

i drew a gurl in a froggi sweater oof

forgxtten cute

FunHeart1010 coOL

JD2005 Cute! I love your style!


Emelyisaway thanks hehe

JD2005 NP Hehe...

lunalovegoodmolly nice

Queeny So cute!

a batgirl lol

forgxtten dat mouf

FunHeart1010 Nice! I love your drawings!!

JD2005 Same FH!

GemHeart Very cool!

Emelyisaway thanks guys :D

JD2005 NP Emely :D

lunalovegoodmolly :)