683 Points

Why can't they just get along....

JD2005 LOL

cookie122105 lol

KnightStar Haha, Mozilla Firefox is cooler. I have it on my other computer, but now I have Internet Explorer.

lunamoonlight I am using Firefox now, I like it, I have never been on internet explorer. I also like Firefox because I customized my screen where the tabs are at the top (I dont know what things are called,) and now instead of my tabs being white they are galaxy.

KnightStar I like it too Luna!

CSeriestechhero Firefox beats every browser except Google Chrome. That's why I like Chrome and Firefox

CSeriestechhero Internet Explorer is garbage but Microsoft made a Diet Coke IE called Edge. Ok ok so Edge isn't bad, but man does that e remind me of the IE.

Queeny If I had to choose, Firefox is better then Internet explorer by a mile. I use Microsoft, but I downloaded Firefox too.

lunamoonlight I dont have chrome on my pc, i had it at my other school when we had chromebooks

GemHeart Haha!!! FIREFOX VS EXPLORER. Love dis!

Hey Everyone!

GWTreecko OHHHH yeahh

JD2005 Hi and welcome!

cookie122105 hiiiiiiiiiii

KnightStar Hey and welcome to KS!

FunHeart1010 Hi and welcome! :D

CSeriestechhero Welcome!

Queeny Hey, and welcome!

GemHeart Welcomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!