282,225 Points

Sketch for Queeny ^^

JD2005 Aww... So cute! ❤


@Country was blasted for stating an opinion. Several users here share that opinion, and they weren’t blasted, yet he was? Guys, that’s toxic. Everyone is entitled to opinion, please let them have it! If you’re gay, then let us people who don’t support it keep our position. If you’re not gay, then accept the people who are!

So please, no double standards!!! I’m starting to dislike KN for that.

EloquentRacer92 What things are Disney approved

GemHeart @Elo at this point, seems like anything —.— They have gay movie, violence, etc, some things parent said would prefer their young kids not to see until they’re ready.

KnightStar @Elo all things PG.

lunamoonlight Disney isn't the greatest example. But pretty much keep everything PG or cleaner (G, Y7, etc)

JordanLol i barely watch disney anymore lol

JHAMMER2 I prefer posting stuff that is appropriate for kid, but Disney approved, I think that that's means anything must appropriate for kid. Here is the reason I think that, they have anything for all ages, Like for tattlers, Baby Einstein (anyone remember that?), for Preschoolers, Mikey Mouse or others Disney Jr. shows, when starting to mature up (which can be like age 6 to 10.) you can move up to the Disney your parents watch.

JHAMMER2 Country have you ever seen apple dumpling gang? That is pretty funny. Don Knott's was in there.

lunamoonlight "the Disney your parents watch" My parents do not watch disney lol. That said, I'm assuming you mean the non-animated stuff on the main Disney Channel, like Liv and Maddie? My parents watch stuff like Lucifer lol.

JHAMMER2 What i mean "your" can be anybody

JHAMMER2 *@lunamoonlight

Sketch of me

JD2005 So cute! ❤

For Jay

lunamoonlight Oooh, such gewd shading

Yusss All I see is Miraculous (No offense Gem)

hilolo @yuss same

lunamoonlight @Yusss pfft, lol I see it too

JD2005 Wow, love it! Thanks Gem! ❤